Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Aiden at School

Aiden's teachers love to take pictures of the class, and it seems Aiden loves to cheese it up for the camera. I love seeing him so happy in class.

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Owen at School

The boy's preschool started a site with Shutterfly where the teachers can post pictures of them in school for us parents to glance through and see a little of their day. I love the site!!! Owen's teachers have taken a few in the past couple months.
Owen waiting in line to play the game.
Raising his Hand
Playing Ghost, Ghost, Pumpkin
On the playground hippo with his buddies
Be Scary
Honey Bear Halloween
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Friday, January 27, 2012

Playing Zoo

During rest time I heard lots of noises in the playroom and went in to find Owen building some creation. He asked for the cookie trays which I gave out of curiosity. He finished and announced he built a zoo. How awesome!
After Aiden was done with rest time, the boys played in the zoo for hours happily. It was adorable to watch and listen to them. And I got a bunch of random stuff done.
Aiden was playing a Hippo
Beware of the Boa
Owen the Zoo Keeper
The Zoo
Animals on Top of Zoo
Taking Care of the Dogs
Hippo Playing in his Cage

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Monster Trucks

Aiden has loved monster trucks since I can remember, and now has a very extensive collection. This morning he lined them all up for a race and some car crashing.

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Family Date

We thought it would be fun to go on a family date and go bowling and then dinner. We were right, it was so much fun and the boys got into bowling, Owen more than Aiden.
We did one game at Bowl America, which took the four of us almost an hour. At first the boys started with the ramp but then wanted to try to really bowl. Owen really started to get the hang of it and was very interested and proud of his bowling. For a two year old, Aiden did amazing but really should use the ramp. He wanted so much to throw the ball down but just not enough power. Aiden also got a little tired from no nap, but still had a wonderful time.
With bumpers up and me actually trying, the boys tied with my pathetic score of 75. Omer broke 100.
We then headed to Sweetwater Tavern where the boys were amazing but we found it is not kid friendly at all. They have a kid menu, but no special menus or crayons (good thing I have some in my purse) and the chicken and fries had so much pepper that both boys lips were burning and they sucked down a lemonade and water. But Owen loved the bread and Aiden loved salad in honey butter and of course the ice cream.

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