Owen has always been a sleeper but at three and a half, naps can be a blessing and also a curse. It is awesome to get a break from both kids during the day but it means that Owen will be up later. He's in his room between 8-8:30 but sometimes doesn't go to sleep until 10. This is just too late!!! Some nights we are in and out of his room and then sometimes only a potty break and that it's. On his own he has not napped here and there, he'll stay in his room for a good hour or so and then go to bed early and right away. This is wonderful to me, but he of course still falls asleep most days. I have started to keep the shades open, fun music on, and as always a bag of toys. But even still he'll fall asleep. Makes me think he just still needs one and accept the off and on nap for right now. Before nap today we were cleaning the office and Owen found some party decorations and wanted to take them to play with in his room. Well he fell asleep and when I went in to wake him up the picture was just too funny to me. Look closely and you'll see a monkey cup on a necklace that he is wearing. (I know, not safe!)
Looks like Owen had a rough day and passed out after his party.