The Problem: Got the boys all ready for the pool, got it the car and started to pour down rain. Pulled the car back in the garage. Owen very sad his pool fun was over.
The Solution: In swim suits already so out we went to play in the rain in the yard. The boys had a wonderful time, even though a good portion of the time
Aiden was outside and Owen was in the porch watching his new toads.
Aiden Pointing up at the Rainy Sky

Stroller in the Rain

Shopping Cart in the Rain....yes
Aiden loves to push anything.

Then the boys started to dance around.

Rain Dance

Then we started to spin in circles, a new favorite.

Around and Around, Until Dizzy

Owen Joined in for Circles

Rain Fun
Aiden Loved It

Venturing Under the Tree

Tree Umbrella

More Circles in the Rain, with Tons of Giggles

Car Pushing
These are great pictures. Looks like you had a ton of fun.