Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Scavenger Hunt

It is a Christmas tradition for our family to have a scavenger hunt for the kids on Christmas Eve. With Omer gone most the day and only here for an hour before we needed to head out for his family's friends Christmas Eve party, we had to have everything done and ready before.
We were ready to go after the boys took a bath before getting their party clothes on. I was impressed that Owen remember this activity from last year. He asked a couple days ago if we were going to do it again. We were all excited. Aiden still is a little young and took some time to really understand what was happening but did catch on and was all about helping. the boys dashed around the house trying to figure out the next clue.
They ended in the tree in Owen's room and were so excited to open their gifts. Another tradition of ours is to adopt an animal for the boys each year. That was the gift we chose to give them tonight. They were so excited and had huge smiles and gave their animals lots of snuggles. At tonight they are snuggled with them sleeping. I especially love that Owen really understands what this means and takes pride in helping take care of endangered animals.

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1 comment:

  1. Great traditions! Love Aiden's face with his animals :)
