Thursday, February 23, 2012

Birthday Beginning

Aiden turns 3 today!!! Happy Birthday to my sweet spunky boy.
He was so excited with his Happy Birthday morning. He went to school and then I came to celebrate at snack time with Scooby cupcakes. They came out pretty good, if I do say so myself.
Then we all went to the playground after school with a bunch of friends to enjoy the most beautiful birthday weather and sunshine. The boys had a wonderful time.
Aiden is tired now so I had him open one gift which is no surprise a Scooby movie. The boys are enjoying a little movie chill time before the remaining festivities.
Happy Birthday Bug-a-boo!

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  1. So cute! Good job on the cupcakes!

  2. I agree with Erica. I might have even guessed what they were without you telling!

  3. Cute face in the first picture- he is patiently waiting.
