I have been meaning over a year to take the boys to the Bethesda Playmuseum. This morning we finally made it and had an amazing time. The boys loved it!
Magnet Maze
Little Shoppers
Aiden Shopping for Food
Owen loved running the cash register
Shopping in the produce
Thanks for shopping with us today
There was a girl room and Aiden wanted to explore it but Owen of course did not want to because it was girl stuff. Eww! But he obliged and did some hair
Owen made it more boy like by messing up her hair
Aiden went for full on girl fun and wore the black lace gloves
Barbie Hair
Grandma's Attic Exploration
Owen loved playing with the old typewriter
Owen playing the drums
Pizza Delivery
Puppet Show
Puppet Masters
Aiden's Painted Crocodile
Owen's Painted Crocodile
Building Blocks
Block Castle
Looks like a ton of fun! Love Aiden in the black lace gloves :)