Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Aiden Starts Science

Aiden has been watching Owen go to science class for years now. Months ago he asked if he could and I responded he had to be 3. Well he brought it up again and told me he was 3 and can do class now. It worked out great, because both Little and Big Lab have a class on the perfect day and the same time. 

Aiden was beyond excited and Owen was proud of his brother being in class too. My little scientists!

I came back early to see what they were doing. They learned about being Vet's. Aiden loved it and is now the proud owner of a little stuffed puppy named Chocolate Spots (love it!) and he has loved that little doggy.

I of course had to take a quick picture of Owen in his class. He is the back left scientist, learning about Paleontology. 

Owen's take home experiment was excavating a clay egg to find two shark teeth. He was so excited and really worked hard. It was so sweet when he found two he wanted to give one to Aiden.
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