Friday, September 7, 2012

Owen's First Day of Kindergarten

Owen started Kindergarten today and he was so excited. He wanted to ride his bike to school (and this is now our way to school every day). He looked so grown up and proud as he headed to school. He has one of his best friends in his class and they walked down the hall together. This is when I started to cry but made myself stop as I did not want Owen to see me cry. 

He went right in and found his chair and started chatting it up with the kids at his table. He totally acted like we were in his way so I told him goodbye and did ask for a kiss. He obliged. :) It was a sad walk home and was very quiet in the house. Aiden is missing Owen a lot and even has cried about it. I also miss my little buddy but am happy he is loving school so far. He came back that day and told me he had a wonderful first of day. 

This is the end of the first week and every day the majority of his report to me is positive so that is great news. He is eager to bike to school every day but very excited to bike home and play with his brother and me every afternoon. Here is the beginning of our next journey with Owen: public school. I have to admit that I am already plotting a fun skip day for him. (big smiles)

Owen and Johnny

Ready for School
Biking to School
Owen in front of his school
Hanging up his bookbag

Chillin' at his Table

Talking with old and new friends

Getting my good-bye kiss

When he returned the boys played with stickers

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  1. SO proud of him!! And so glad he is settling in! Love the bike picture! I'm sure there will be some bumps, but it appears as if he is really ready for this next step in his life.

  2. Glad he had a great first week! So grown up :)
