This afternoon we headed out as a whole family to the hike. It went pretty well minus the fact it took way too long. I used to be able to do it in about 45 minutes with Owen, but he was just having way too much fun and was hard to keep moving. He also wanted to walk the whole thing. As the time kept ticking away, I had to convince him to get back in the backpack and very quickly walk back to the car so poor
Aiden could finally eat and we could maybe get home in time to make dinner. Door to door it took 2 hours, much more than expected. But
Aiden was happy in the carrier, took his little cat nap and only started to cry once we were driving home (30
mins after he usually eats). Owen had a wonderful time and I really want to take him out there when we have more time. He was being very creative and talking about the dinosaurs in the forest and also all sorts of animals who live in the caves. I was shocked that he walked down the very steep hill; he used to ask to be carried every time. He also loved the river and dipped his feet in. And of course the pups had a great time, even got to chase a deer. All in all it was a wonderful trip, just took too long.
Love Being on the Hike

Mommy and Owen

Daddy and
Finding Sticks

Can you find Owen and me?

Hiker with Big Stick and Flower

Tree Canopy

Making Our Way Down the Big Hill

Dipping his feet in the Potomac

Chloe Taking a Swim

Soaking Wet Chester
Intently Watching the River
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