Monday, Owen seemed perfectly fine all day. He would say his ears did not hurt until the afternoon right before it was medicine time. He never had a fever. Same for Tuesday until about 5:00 where he started to complain about his ear hurting. We had our friends over and were playing outside. He was completely fine again after medicine and went back to play. At 6:00, he flipped out, curled up on my lap and snuggled. He spiked another fever of 103. It broke shortly after we left for the doctor. Only appointment was at 8:00, so Omer stayed with Aiden while Owen and I headed out. The doctor confirmed that one ear was clear but the other still had the infection. She told me that often it can take up to 2-4 days for the medicine to work and the give it another day. That evening, after getting Owen home and in bed at 9:00 went decent.
Wednesday, he woke and was once again acting normal but was holding a 101 fever. He told me he just wanted to stay home and we did of course and had a nice morning. Omer had left that morning for his work trip to Chicago. All was fine until Owen woke from his nap miserable and high fever of 103 again. Boggled why the past couple days he's been fine and then in the afternoon high fever. He would go from 101-104 the rest of the evening. He once again pretty much just laid on me and snuggled unless I was feeding Aiden until Jenni got here at 5:30. He was still miserable but went from one lap to another. Called doctor's office once again and nurse said we need to bring him in, again only appointment was at 8:00. Let me say that 7:30 is Owen's bed time and Aiden usually around 8:00, so not ideal. We all headed out because I did not think Aiden would handle a bottle from Jenni well. We did not leave there until 9:30 and Jenni and I did not get to eat dinner until the car ride home and as I fed Aiden to sleep. I have to include Aiden was such a trooper at the doctor's office. Very frustrated and disappointed that they found nothing. They did a flu test and nothing. They also cleared the wax out of his ear's and said that both ears are clear of infection. Owen did not do well with these tests as he was exhausted and they just plain hurt. I felt terrible for him. Well nothing was found, everything looked fine. So their guess is that he picked up some virus and his body is just working it out. Nothing we can do, just wait it out. Not what I wanted to hear. Utterly exhausted!!! Aiden still feeds often at night and is so gassy up a lot at night, and then on top of it a sick Owen up here and there at night and just so sad during the day. Once again, I am exhausted. I just wanted an explanation. I finally got the kids asleep around 10:00 and a pretty normal and successful night, Owen woke normal. No fever all day. We had a wonderful day. Played with Jenni in the morning and then all took naps and so pleased when he woke up from nap with no fever.
So we have been fever free since Wednesday night and no complaint that his ears hurt. He will tell me that his ear hurts, and I believe him. Hoping we are in the clear so Owen can enjoy his last day of school on Friday and maybe I can get some sleep. Omer came back on Thursday evening and still all fine. A very normal night and then Owen woke screaming and complaining his ear hurt. After some Motrin and a lot of Mommy love, he got some sleep last night. But between Aiden and Owen I banked only 3 hours of sleep total. Once again, exhausted. More like a zombie. But Owen woke this morning and still with no fever for two days and making no complaint of pain, we had a normal morning and he had a wonderful time at school. So that is our recap of a very rough week and an exhausted and frustrated mom. It pains me to see Owen so sick and miserable. I really hope it is all over and we can regain our happy boy back.
Picture of Owen on Sunday passed out in our bed (taken on phone so not very clear)

On Monday Owen told me his ear hurt and he needed a bandaid to make it feel better. So I put one right next to it. He won't let me take it off.
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