We headed through the woods to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving. I was a little concerned
Aiden wouldn't nap well there, but of course he took a stellar nap (one that I rarely get at home). My other concern was this was going to be our first attempt with Owen not napping or having quiet time. The past two days he has not napped but stayed in his room for 1.5 hours. But he did great as well. Having all the people was a great distraction but also made it hard for him to get some downtime and chill. It was wonderful visiting with family and the meal as always was absolutely
delish. During the meal the boys did wonderful. Owen was not ready to eat a meal when we ate so he played us some music on the piano and kept his brother entertained.
Aiden on the other hand after playing a little wanted to join the table. He stood on the chair next to me and gnawed on a roll. We had to leave right after the meal to get the boys home in time for bedtime, and Owen was also melting. Poor guy was so tired that he fell asleep in the car before we left the driveway.
Even though my house is filled with two snotty kids, one who is teething and up half the night, I am trying to be thankful that I have wonderful kids that I get to wipe their snotty noses. :) I am very thankful all that I am blessed with and my two smiley, happy children (most the time), my amazing husband and my loving dogs. My heart is filled with a lot of joy. I am also thankful to have so many wonderful and caring family and friends.
Emma, Aiden and Owen all played the piano. Sadly Owen left the scene by the time the camera made it.
Little Mozart

Very Proud of His Piano Playing

Cousins Swinging



Trampoline Fun
Bouncey Boy

Owen and Emma tried to find some peace in the tent.

Alice and I took Emma and Owen on a walk around the farm to see the donkey and cows. Look at this view, we are the tiny spots near the fence.

Mooing at Cows
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