This event has never gone well for us and this year was the same. I am determined to have a wonderful family time at the holiday of these years. :) The first year, Owen has woken early that morning so was melting by 11, the start time, and on top of it all it was bitter cold. So we left at 11 and Owen fell asleep in the car. Last year, we celebrated Thanksgiving that day with my family so we missed it. And then this year,
Aiden caught Owen's cold (and is cutting a tooth) so we were exhausted from a very long night, but I was determined to go. Owen was excited and I was excited. I think
Omer would have preferred to stay home. But once again it was pretty cold and very windy. My boy does not like the wind. And the parade runs very slow, so we made it through about 20 minutes and Owen announced loudly, "Go away wind. I want to go home." So the outing wasn't a total bust we walked over to the hotel and watched the train display. The boys were much happier. Maybe this event will be all I want it to be when the boys are older.
In the beginning, Owen wanted to hide from the wind in the stroller.
Then I held him and we watched the parade.

Parade Watching

Parade Watching


Winter Owen

Old Time Fire Truck

That was a BIG hit

Ballet Dancers

Dinosaur Balloon

Train Display

Watching Trains

Playing with the Snow
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