If you remember before winter Owen was obsessed with insects; catching grasshoppers, finding all types of insects, digging for worms. His interest has always stayed but never imagined that he would go back to our previous insect love. Well this week has been very nice, upper 60s, and the first thing Owen asked were if the insects were back. Well he got lucky, there were some ants on the porch to watch and then we dug and found some worms and a centipede. Owen was beyond excited.
Aiden didn't take a morning nap so he went down quite early and Owen and I had some time alone outside to really concentrate on the worm finding. While I put
Aiden down Owen built what he calls "worm life cycle", which included some dirt, clover and lemon thyme. I must explain the life cycle part. We have a couple books that describe life cycles of a plant, butterfly, etc. Owen loves to discuss these and creates them for his toy insects. We had a lot of fun building a home for his worms.
Worm's home even with a pine needle umbrella to block the sun.
The worm is on the left on the clover.

He wanted me to get some water for the worm to drink and to cool him off. He was so excited as I walked out with the cup.

Sprinkling Water

Little Entomologist
So gross and so fun :)