We haven't been to the Natural History Museum in a long time and have missed it. Owen has asked several times to go to the "dinosaur museum". This morning our plans were cancelled and we decided to just head up. It was a pretty successful trip minus the drive back, but it was worth to see their amazed faces once again. This was Aiden's first trip, and he really enjoyed all to see. And Owen as always loved the ocean hall and the insects the best. We started at the mammal hall but sadly no pictures because Omer dropped us off while he found parking, so no time to pull the camera out while keeping up with two excited boys. It was a great family outing as always.
My boys being attacked by a giant octopus.

Owen showing Aiden ocean life.

Owen climbed up to find the crab.

Aiden enjoyed looking at everything, lots of pointing.

Sea Life

The boys watching the shrimps

Aiden pointing at the shrimp

Cute Baby Face

Boys in the Ocean Hall


Exploring the Museum

Owen's favorite dinosaur that he coined the "crocodilesaurus"

The boy always finds the shells

Aiden and Omer with Mr. T-Rex

The boys looking at the dinosaur models

Love the inquisitive face

Dinosaur Naming

Attempt at Picture with the Boys

Watching the Ants Work

Watching the Water Beetles

More Insect Watching

By far the best part was Owen getting to hold the insects. One of his favorites is grasshoppers and these type don't hop often so it happily just hung out on his hand and climbed up his arm a little. Owen was is heaven and even told the scientist how the grasshopper liked him and wanted to stay.

Insect Lover

He is so great and held his hand super still and petted them very gently.

Owen and his new best friend

Then we got to hold a catepillar that tickled so much and was super soft.

Aiden watching crickets

Insect Awe

Aiden kept trying to climb up to see them closer.

Me and the Boys
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