We made our annual trip to Baltimore and overall the trip went awesome. We headed up on Friday morning for
Aiden's nap and sadly got caught in quite a bit of traffic. But we arrived with still plenty of time to enjoy half the aquarium. I can't put into words how excited Owen was and how much he enjoyed seeing all the aquatic animals, but if asked he will tell you that the frogs (which we went to see twice), lizards and snake were his favorite.
Aiden enjoyed looking at all the animals as well but he is teething again so he was a little fussy here and there. Two very awesome things were we got to watch the octopus really move around and explore Owen's head and watch a crocodile and turtle jockey for position. After a nice picnic lunch and a great nap by
Aiden in the hotel, we headed back to the aquarium to see the rest and then enjoyed a yummy pizza dinner over looking the water. The boys slept very well for being in a hotel, which was great for two tired parents.
After a relaxing morning and breakfast we took the boys down to the water to play. They had lots of fun running around, chasing birds, seeking animals and climbing on things. Then we headed over to Day Out with Thomas. This activity was touch and go and doubt we will go back. We rode a train that was pulled by Thomas, but you actually never really get to see much of Thomas and it was just a train with some pictures taped on the wall. The boys enjoyed the ride and imaging things outside. Then it was bounce houses, train watching, clowns, and two grumpy kids. They were hot and tired. So after a quick lunch we were off and both boys asleep in 10 minutes.
We had a wonderful little vacation, Aquarium awesome. Train okay. Everything in between wonderful.
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Looks like it was a fun family trip!