Owen is
ecstatic about summer coming because more and more insects are surfacing. His love of insects from last year is still there and many of days we search for bugs. He makes homes for them to live in for a day or two and then will put them back.
This morning he caught a painted lady butterfly.

Butterfly Studying

Can he get any closer?

Owen wanted to share his find with
Aiden, and called him over.
Aiden rushed over and was excited to see there was something flying around.

Owen and Butterfly

Then he found the biggest slug I have ever seen and put it in his already made worm and beetle home.

Trying to get the size. Scrunched up about half of Owen's finger, while moving about the size of my thumb.

Slug Watching

Owen wanted
Aiden to sit with him and show off his slug.
Aiden was very curious and pretty good about keeping his hands out.

Slug Crawling

Watching Slug Crawl

Then we found a huge nest of ants. I think all the white were eggs they were moving, but not sure.

And of course our favorite is worms. Owen finds them and then gives them to
Aiden loves having the worm slither all around his hands.

Worm in Finger, Owen Searching for More (background)
The butterfly kinda looks like a bat in the first pic. At least I thought that's what it was at first :)