Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Animals Everywhere

We foresee our house becoming full of animals, Owen (and I) would love some more critters but right now we have a lot. They are fun to watch and take care of and Owen is really helpful and great about his animals. As of right now we have: 2 dogs, 9 fish, 2 fire bellied toads, 3 hermit crabs, and about 8 caterpillars. Some are moth caterpillars that the bug lady from his birthday gave him and one has built its cocoon and the other look like they are about to. Then we found two caterpillars under our watermelon plant that will become black swallowtail butterflies. We have done our research and have given them the food they like and watching them grow right now. Hopefully some of them will make it and we will release some moths and butterflies. Oh I almost forgot the bug cage of two grasshoppers and a cricket. Seriously there are critters all over our house but they are so much fun to observe.

Watching our New Caterpillars
Black Swallowtail Caterpillar
Aiden oohed his find, a dead beetle

1 comment:

  1. I thought I noticed some more residents on Saturday1
