Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Nerf Guns

I have fought it long enough and finally gave in and allowed the boys to get Nerf guns. I have to admit a Nerf gun fight is A LOT of fun and the boys are very respectful towards them; no above the shoulder hits. Owen has really become quite a little shooter and is a natural at hiding and using forts. It is so cute to watch him get REALLY excited when makes a good shot. Aiden enjoys them but can't reload or cock the gun himself, but has enjoyed running around and getting shot at.
Laser Gun
Kamakazi Jump
Aim & Shoot
Little Sharp Shooter
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Scooby Bop

Aiden got a Scooby Bop Bag for his birthday and has really enjoyed playing with it. Tonight he was ninja Aiden and Owen played along as the bad guy.
Aiden Conquered Owen
Love the Faces
Ninja Punches
Throwing Bop Bag
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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Monster Truck Show

Aiden has been obsessed with monster trucks since he could push a car around. And for the past year he has mentioned about going to see a real monster truck show. Well we finally thought we would go and just so happened that the show was here in Baltimore on Aiden's birthday weekend. So we gave it to him as a present.
Both Aiden and Owen were so excited and told everyone about it. The day of the show they could not wait. So excited when we arrived and loved looking at the smooshed cars and mud pit. We were prepared and had headphones for kids but did not matter. Those trucks came out revving their engines and Owen face sunk and he started to shiver. He was beyond scared. I quickly sat him on my lap but he still wanted to get out. So he and I left to take a break.
Well he did try two more times but just could not bear the noise. So we hung outside the arena and just talked.
Aiden at first was excited and enjoyed watching the big trucks pop wheelies. But after about 30 minutes he too was done with the noise. So we all left. What a disappointment. I knew it was loud but never imagined it would that loud and bother my kids.
We as parents have learned our lesson now, no more crazy and loud commercial events for our kids; they are just not those kids and I am happy about that.
Don't be fooled by the picture, this was before any truck came out. They were watching a dirt bike.
This was after the wheelies and Aiden was super excited. This was one of my attempts to see if Owen wanted to try again.
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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Birthday Present Room

Aiden's big present was redoing his room into a big boy room. So all the farm animals and baby pictures were taken down and Owen and I put up super hero's, monster trucks and Scooby Doo. He was so excited and I was surprised that he was more excited for the super hero's and trucks. I know he knew about the Scooby Doo one's already. Aiden was so excited about his new room that he even took many of his party guests up to his room to show it off. Below is the video of the unveiling.

Aiden's 3rd Birthday Party

We hosted Aiden's 3rd birthday today with a total of 42 people, 20 of those kids. I will be honest and was a little worried with that many bodies is our house but I was prepared and kept easy-going about it. The party went great, a little crowded at times, but all the kids did wonderful and seemed like they all had a blast. The adults even had their room to sit and chat.

The kiddos enjoyed lots of playing together and always so cute to see Aiden with his buddies. At one point all the older kids were in Owen's room playing Legos and all the little kids were in the downstairs play room being cute as can be.

We did not plan any activities with this amount of kids but enjoyed lunch, cake and ice cream and a pinata.

Aiden was excited to show all his family and friends his cake and his newly decorated room. Glad he liked them so much.

After everyone left, he opened gifts. Owen was helpful in delivering all the packages. Then for the next 4 hours Aiden and Owen played and played and played. Aiden said he loved his party and had great time. That is all that matters and I will always remember my panting Aiden waiting for cake and the cute and sweet playing with all his friends.

Aiden was truly celebrated today! Happy Birthday Aiden!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Owen's Busy Work

I let Owen play hooky from school today and it worked out great. As it was the day before Aiden's insanely large birthday party, I had lots to do. The boys played wonderfully all day, helped me out with some chores and kept themselves busy with play-doh and crafts. While I was making lunch Owen decided to write out the ABC's and 1-10 on pieces of paper and put them in order on the floor. I have to be honest I initially cringed at the waste of all that paper and trees, but really loved Owen's work on his ABC's and he did such a wonderful job.

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Aiden

To continue our little boy's birthday...

After our chill movie time, we played outside until Daddy got home and then it was frantic. the boys knew they had to wait until he got to do anything. So presents were opened, cupcakes were eaten, songs were songs and lots of smiles were made by Aiden.

I am so impressed and in awe of Aiden every day. He is so strong-willed and independent, but he also so sweet and loving and giving. He is such a fireball with the biggest, sweetest heart. He is our little force and so proud of him. I can't believe my baby is three but so excited to see him growing up to be such an amazing kid.

Happy Birthday Aiden!
Opening his gift from Owen
The Scooby Game!!!!
Pure Excitement
"The spinny scooby"
Opening our gift to him
"Monster Truck!"
Then he pulled out the next part...
..."Huh? What's this?" It is tickets to see a real monster truck show!
Happy Birthday Scooby Cupcakes
Blowing Hard
Then to see his last gift from us...a big boy decorated room!
Owen and I were excited to show Aiden because we worked together to put them all up.
He really loved the monster trucks!
Bouncing on his bed from excitement
Owen was quite excited as well
The Scooby Doo Wall
Aiden checking out all the super hero's
Owen was showing what he put up
Aiden was naming everything
Hanging in the Scooby corner
Silly Birthday Boy
Birthday Aiden
Upside Down Aiden
The Boys
Daddy and Birthday Boy
Bouncing Boys
Excited Birthday Boy
Playing the Scooby Game

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Birthday Beginning

Aiden turns 3 today!!! Happy Birthday to my sweet spunky boy.
He was so excited with his Happy Birthday morning. He went to school and then I came to celebrate at snack time with Scooby cupcakes. They came out pretty good, if I do say so myself.
Then we all went to the playground after school with a bunch of friends to enjoy the most beautiful birthday weather and sunshine. The boys had a wonderful time.
Aiden is tired now so I had him open one gift which is no surprise a Scooby movie. The boys are enjoying a little movie chill time before the remaining festivities.
Happy Birthday Bug-a-boo!

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