Sunday, February 27, 2011

Birthday Parties

Yes, we had two parties, just didn't want an overcrowded event. So on Saturday we had Aiden's five little friends and their siblings over. It was a lot of fun. The kids played, we all enjoyed some snacks, parents chatted and we ll ate cupcakes. Aiden really loves to be sung Happy Birthday too and knew exactly to blow the candles, and actually was able to. He was so cute and love watching him relish in the yumminess of cupcakes.

I am corny, I made an A out of the crackers

Spencer and Jonah Playing Cars
Erica, Ami and Lunging Kai
Owen took a break from his friends to play attacking dinosaur with Brian.
Leila Crawling
Aiden with dinosaur and friends
Waiting for Cupcakes
Excited for Cupcakes
Blowing Out Candles
Grabbing for Cupcake
Yummy Cupcakes
Icing Face
Birthday Boy
Table of Cupcake Eaters
Goofy Alec with Kai
Spencer and Aiden Crashing
Driving Trucks Together

Then on Sunday, we had our families over for some good quality time, a simple dinner and yes more cupcakes. Aiden was actually a little shy, I think he started to worry about all the attention. It was great to see all of the family. And once again Aiden blew out the candles and chomped that cupcake.
Opening Gifts
Ripping Cards
Brothers Reading Card Together
Cowboy Aiden Opening More
Putting Woody's Little Hat On
Happy Birthday Song
Owen enjoyed singing to his brother
Blowing Out Candles
Aiden collected the farm picks and piled them on his cupcake
And yes he took his icing hands and rubbed them in his hair - CLASSIC
Owen enjoyed his brother's birthday too
Messy, Joyful Birthday Boy
Singing Happy Birthday during the friend's birthday party.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Two Years of Aiden

Our little Aiden turned two! Aiden you are such a special little soul, with so much joy, fire and gusto. You are a spark in our lives and created a special light in our family. We are always amazed at your will to learn and accomplish something. You take things on yourself, Mr. Independent, and display such ambition and then joy when you achieve it. Your eyes and smile light up a room and that giggle, oh that giggle, infectious! Owen says you are his best friend, and I am thankful you and your brother are so close. Thanks for keeping us on our toes and just having an amazing joy for life. (PS you could try to sleep a little more though)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Aiden

The parties are this weekend but I wanted to make Aiden's actual birthday special. He was so excited and loved singing Happy Birthday and also saying Happy Birthday to everyone. Owen too was excited about his brother's birthday. He put hats on everyone, wanted to sing for him and of course watch Aiden open gifts. We had our playgroup over for play and cupcakes. Aiden was so cute blowing out his candles. After Daddy got home he opened his gifts. This too was so cute. He'd open one and just want to look or play with that. We had to remind him of his other gifts. Aiden and Owen enjoyed playing with the new stuff. Love you Aiden and Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Goodbye Chloe

I write this post with a very heavy heart but over the years we knew this day would come and the choice would have to be made. A little over three weeks ago we learned that our dear Chloe relapsed, and with that no great treatment options. The oncologists gave her a couple weeks. For the first two weeks she was normal and happy, then slowly she started to not eat her food, get no great joy from her hike and near the end was vomiting and had a hard time walking. Hard to watch someone you love so dear suffer but also so hard to end their life. Omer and I chose Friday, February 11 to allow Chloe to rest in peace.

The past couple weeks I have made sure to hike both weekend days and make Chloe the priority in our day. I wanted to give her everything I could. The last week was really hard as she started to not even want to take walks, something Chloe thrives on. As a family we hung out and cuddled a lot with me getting tons of head strokes. Her last day was filled with lots of love. Owen chose not to go to school because "I want to be here for Chloe's last day." The boys were great and really let me just be with her. A lot of snuggles, obvious tears, memories and talks. I was so happy that it was sunny and warm out so Chloe could enjoy warming in the sun one last time. We sat out there together a lot just being together. She got to enjoy her favorite foods ending with a huge steak. The boys said goodbye and Owen got his last hug in. Omer and I took both Chloe and Chester to the hike, knowing that she was too weak to really walk but it is one of her favorite places and I wanted her to be able to spend her last moments there. They walked around, explored, ate some bacon and then she layed in a warm sunny spot for more snuggles. I can't even begin to put into words how insanely difficult it was at the vets. I am happy to say with the help of good pain meds her last moments she had a smile on her face and laid with Omer and I for love. Watching someone you love that much slip away from you, is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. I am still having a hard time moving on from the sadness of the situation but the joyful kids have helped at least make me get out of bed and actually smile and laugh. Poor Chester grieved with me for several days as well. The sad pup didn't even chase any squirrels or bark at the birds. At one point he climbed in bed with me and actually cried and whimpered. But both of us are healing.

Chloe was a huge part of my life and has brought me and my family such joy and happiness. She is actually the reason Omer and I ever met. And as she approved of him and actually had a crush on him, I let my wall down and fell in love with Omer. Chloe has brought me joy, love, strength, protection, and growth. Chloe and I were meant to find each other and I will never forget her. We miss you, Chloe and wish you a restful peace and blessed spirit.

Some of Chloe's Favorites:
1. loved to lick toes
2. fetch a ball or stick
3. roll in the snow and catch snowballs
4. bask in the hot summer sun
5. role in the sand
6. chase and bark at waves
7. chew on sticks
8. nibble and clean her stuffed toys
9. play soccer, good block
10. play chase with the boys
11. hiking with her buddies
12. chasing squirrels, deer and well anything in the forest
13. snuggling on the couch with Chester
14. kisses, kisses, kisses
15. smile with such joy

Some of Our Favorite Memories:
1. As I was choosing which puppy, I immediately saw her with her tongue hanging out the side with an amazing smile. I knew right then she was my Chloe.
2. Tumbling over her insanely large paws while she learned to run.
3. Running up to Omer's porch kissing away.
4. Scrunching her way between Omer and I while we tried to watch a movie.
5. Tossing empty beer cans in the air to catch, no matter how many toys I got her. Hokie Girl!
6. On a hike at the lake at Tech, a friend threw a stick and instead she pulled and retrieved a huge piece of bark from a fallen tree.
7. Puppy birthday parties - hats, hike, cake, good friends.
8. First steps on a beach, barking at the ocean and then quickly started to roll in the sand and chase birds.
9. Hanging her head out the window on a drive, ears and tongue flapping.
10. Laying in bed getting ear and head strokes.
11. Running in leaf piles with the boys.
12. Bringing back deer parts with her buddies. Joy!
13. Spooning on the floor, she was so cuddly.
14. Watching her run and be free on hikes. Loved to explore.
15. Romping in snow and making her own tracks.
16. Laying, cuddled together with Chester.
17. Embracing, loving, protecting, playing with Owen and Aiden
18. Protecting me during some rough times
19. Kissing my tears off my face.
20. Being greeted with that amazing smile and sweet face.

I created a video of many of Chloe's moments in her wonderful life. It was very therapeutic for me and still helps when I watch it. The last song is the last week of her life.

Chloe's Life from Melissa Aru on Vimeo.

We also captured Chloe's last moments at the hike.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chloe's Departure

Over the past couple days Chloe as declined quite a bit and she has started to not want many of the things that bring her joy. So I had to make the plans today for her departure. As you can imagine I am in quite a sullen mood. Of course Owen picked up on it and asked, I explained again what was happening and he said he wanted to draw me a picture. It was so sweet. And of course Aiden joined in and scriibbled some beautiful colors or his paper. Below is Owen's picture, the red are the columns out front and then he drew lots of hearts. I am the green person and then Chloe and Chester. He told me "Mommy now you will always have a picture of you and Chloe." Tears!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This morning the boys were hiding behind the window shades. It was very cute and fun to watch them hiding together.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Owen loves to put on Omer's old wolfman costume. He gets very into it and chases, growls, etc. This morning he got all dressed up.

Muddy Snow

It was warm the other afternoon and while the snow is still partially there, it was a lot of fun to go out and play. Then Owen found a small puddle and of course the boys wanted to jump in the muddy puddle. The small puddle became huge and the surrounding snow very brown. The boys had a blast running, stomping and playing trucks in the mud. Then they got stripped down in the porch and a nice warm early bath.