Thursday, February 24, 2011

Two Years of Aiden

Our little Aiden turned two! Aiden you are such a special little soul, with so much joy, fire and gusto. You are a spark in our lives and created a special light in our family. We are always amazed at your will to learn and accomplish something. You take things on yourself, Mr. Independent, and display such ambition and then joy when you achieve it. Your eyes and smile light up a room and that giggle, oh that giggle, infectious! Owen says you are his best friend, and I am thankful you and your brother are so close. Thanks for keeping us on our toes and just having an amazing joy for life. (PS you could try to sleep a little more though)


  1. Haha, love the PS at the end :) Happy 2s!

  2. Happy Birthday, Aiden. I love you and your goober face.
