Friday, March 5, 2010

Aiden's 1 Year Stats

The doctor said that Aiden looks very happy and is quite the mover. She was impressed with his speed. He is or has met all the milestones he should and excelled on the physical ones. However he only has really two words, so if this not increase in the next couple months there will be some concern. But she said this is common with early walkers and that he is apparently trying to communicate just not using the words. Aiden points and asks for things or what the item is, but just no words. Lots of babble!

We need to work on him getting more milk which he liked the first couple days but is now not a huge fan. We still give him some formula but just like Owen we need to work on the milk. I imagine I will have two kids that won't drink plain milk. Oh well!

He has not gained much weight but she thinks it is from how active he is, he rarely sits still for more than a couple minutes. But as much food as this little boy intakes I am surprised he was not more. He is now not on the chart for weight though, but the doctor really feels that he will go back up in the next couple months.

So the slightly concerning news was she detected a heart murmur. She told me several times to not worry that it sounds like an innocent heart murmur, but she wants us to see a cardiologist to make sure. I am trying my best to not worry, but I am a mom and of course I will. But the signs of his activity level denotes that it is not serious. Most with heart murmurs, are little and can be tired. This is not Aiden. So we will go in the next week or so in hopes that the cardiologist agrees. If it is an innocent heart murmur then most likely he will not be affected by it and grow out of it.

Weight: 18 lbs 6 oz (<5%, down from 15%)
Height: 29.25 inches (50%, down from 75%)
Head: 18.5 inches (70%)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that Aiden is well. And although saying don't worry about the murmer won't stop you from doing so, don't worry too much.
