Thursday, March 4, 2010

While the Cats Away....

The parents will play.

Our friends (all nonparents) planned a trip to Snowshoe, WV and asked if we could join. We said YES!!! It has been a long time since Omer and I have gotten away just the two of us. And to me being away from your kids here and there makes you a better parent. We miss them, and are so happy when we return, but how nice it is to get away and just be a couple.

Omer is an excellent skier but I have only been once. I did pretty good my first time but got convinced to try snowboarding this time because it is easier. Maybe for some, but I did horrible. Never made it off the bunny slope. Embarrassing!!! Next time sticking to skiing.

We enjoyed the company, staying up late, sleeping in, a great meal, and relaxing. I also have to share that some of us created our own polar bear club and ran from the hot tub on the snow covered porch and jumped in the snow and back to the hot tub. I have to include that we were not intoxicated (too much) and just being crazy. Good times that I must have my children read later to know we were cool parents. :)

We thank my mom and sister for staying with the kids and dogs. They did an amazing job and the kids had fun.

Here is a little video from our trip. It is a little shaky because Omer was trying to ski and hold the camera.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you had fun. And I loved babysitting.
