Monday, September 17, 2012

Owen's Wins a Silver Medal

Owen has been asking to run a race over and over through the summer. I told him once the Fall comes race season will begin. He was excited for his first one; a 911 Heroes 1 mile run. Aiden had asked to run too, and even though I knew he would not make the whole way he joined the fun too. 

I was so proud of Owen...he placed 2nd out of all the kids that ran in all age groups. He was beyond excited to win a real medal and kept saying how he ran so fast and got a silver and won the medal for the Aru family. It was a moment this running mom will never forget. 

While we waited the boys inspected the yellow lines. 

Owen and Me ready to race

The fire truck sprayed his hose for all the kids (and some adults) play in the spray. The boys enjoyed getting a little wet. Owen did not want to get full on wet before his run, Aiden enjoyed all the water.

 A perfect rainbow was created and some how with my phone I was able to capture some great shots with Aiden and the rainbow. Love the joy in his face

Owen getting warmed up and cooled off at the same time.

My running boy!!! 

Aiden and Daddy taking a walk instead. Aiden does get upset that Owen is way in front of him but he will learn. 

All three boys jogging together before Owen sped up to finish the race

Afterwards the boys took their shirts off and Aiden played tunnel with my legs. 

Owen with his medal!!!!


  1. So proud of Owen! He looked so cute running. And love the water play pics!

  2. The rainbow picture with Aiden at the end of is the greatest picture I'd frame it forever.
