Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Little Couple

One of Owen's favorite friends is hands down Addie and luckily she reciprocates the feelings. They are absolutely adorable together and usually play wonderfully. Her mom and I joke about them being sweethearts and getting married. After our original plans got cancelled Owen wanted to invite Addie to the farm and we were all happy they were able to make it. All the kids had a great time.

Brothers Watching Piggies

Then Addie arrived and wanted to hold Owen's hand. They pretty much held hands through the whole farm portion.

The Little Couple
At Their White Picket Fence
All the kids
Sylvie, Aiden, Addie and Owen
The Bigs
The Littles
Addie and Owen at the Farm
Petting a Sheep
Aiden loved petting the sheep
Then to the playground
Owen was watching bees pollinate
Aiden found the only balls