Sunday, June 6, 2010

Turks Meet Aiden

The Aru's had a party for Owen to introduce him to their friends, and was due time they met Aiden too. It was a beautiful afternoon after some rain, nice and cool. Aiden was his usual self, running around like crazy and chatting it up. Everyone said he sounded like a little bird squealing when he saw Chief the cat. Owen fell asleep in the car and was pretty shy for the first half of the party. Not how he expected to wake up I guess. We all had a great time and it was wonderful to see some of our "extended" family.

Babaanna showing Owen all the yummy food.
The boys and I had fun decorating the tree with animals.
Sweet Aiden
Brothers (they look exactly the same here, body language and face.)
Cute Boys
Owen and Aiden chasing after Chief
Aiden Pointing to the cat
Owen off to find the cat
The Crowd
Buyukbaba held Chief so the boys could pet him.

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