Saturday, June 26, 2010

Me and the Boys

Omer was away this weekend so I wanted to make sure we had some fun activities to keep us busy. This morning we went to the Dinorock show at Lake Fairfax. It was free, pretty cool show and both boys enjoyed it.

Boys Watching the Show

Owen held my hand during parts of the show.
Enjoying the Show
Aiden wanted to sit alone in the row in front of us.
Pointing at the Dinosaurs
Little Watcher
Puppet Show
Intently Watching
Then Aiden got bored with the show and started to pile mulch on his seat.
Owen Smiles (these were taken on the video camera and me holding it out while sitting next to him.)
Then we headed to the playground where we had the whole thing to ourselves. We had a blast and the boys were so cute sliding down together.

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