Monday, September 26, 2011

Dentist for Two

Owen had a cleaning dentist appointment today and while he was doing a great job during his cleaning, Aiden sat next to him and asked "I do it? I brush teeth?" I told him not today that we will do his when he turns three, but the dental hygienist told me that they have a little time if we wanted to try. Aiden listened carefully and yelled a big yes. He did amazing. Sat so still, let her brush his teeth, floss and pick. And then let the dentist take a look. He definitely has learned a thing or two from Owen.
The dentist report for Owen: no cavities (yippee), right side bite has corrected itself a little (yippee) and all his 6 year molars came in (what? never noticed this). Oh and he has a very tiny chip in one of his teeth, which yet again we had no clue. Guess it didn't hurt that bad.
The dentist report for Aiden: very clean and no cavities, he has all 20 teeth (which he loved her counting), he has an open bite from pacifier use (boo, hopefully will correct itself a little once we yank it away), and he has a narrow bite which is either from pacifier use or hereditary. We will have to watch that as he ages and hopefully won't have to correct. First dentist experience: excellent. Everyone was doting on how small and cute he is.

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  1. What a good patient! And yay to no cavities for both boys :)
