Friday, September 23, 2011

Halloween Decorating

The boys have been getting excited about Halloween approaching, but never thought this would happen. Omer came home from work and Owen asked him to get the box of Halloween stuff from the attic. We did and could not allow ourselves to decorate the front lawn so we let the boys decorate the backyard. They LOVED it!!!! And really they did a great job and it was super cute. We have a direction sign and Owen put it in the middle of the yard and just so happens, without reading the sign before, decorated the rest according to the sign. We had a Haunted House, Graveyard and Goblin Gulch (which we don't have pictures of). Halloween has begun in our house (at least in the back).
Tombstone & Haunted Tree
Halloween Direction Sign
Owen Decorating
Aiden Decorating
Haunted House

Brothers Work Together
Halloween Slides

Haunted Ladders
Aiden Screaming
Haunted House (with snowman that stays there all year)
The boys wanted to move the Halloween sign to the Graveyard.
Halloween Boys
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