Friday, October 16, 2009

Climbing Stairs

I have to tell the whole story for this to really be worth telling. :) We were playing downstairs and I stepped away very quickly to use the restroom. Usually this means I come back the boys are just playing. Well this time I hear Owen saying "Good job Aiden. Just pull up." Huh?!?! I sped up and ran out to find the boys on the fourth step heading upstairs. Ack!!! Aiden has never climbed the stairs, this situation extremely dangerous. I quickly but very calmly ran down and got behind them to spot any falling. Well after crisis averted, Owen kept teaching Aiden how to climb the stairs. I loved this! And Owen was very proud of his brother and himself. This of course means I now need to gate each staircase as Aiden as been obsessed with climbing them now.

Owen helps Aiden by holding his arm.

Big Brother, Little Brother

Climbing the Stairs

Owen trying to help Aiden up, sweet but dangerous.

Made it All the Way!

1 comment:

  1. This is great that they are working together (of course this could lead to some gray hair moments for you).
