Friday, October 23, 2009

Trunk or Treat

My mom's group held its annual Trunk or Treat and even though the weather was very threatening and did end up raining on us for 10 minutes while we ate it was great fun. I decorated our trunk and must say was pretty proud of my creation.

Aiden the Spider

So the costume struggle. For a month Owen wanted to be Spiderman, so I went out and bought the costume, after having a hard time finding the right one and ending up having to get the bigger size, the next day he tells me he wants to be a pumpkin. He would not put Spiderman on. I waited and waited to see if Spiderman would still happen as I had the costume, but nope. So Omer got the last pumpkin costume at Target and it barely fits but Owen was beyond excited. So here is Owen the pumpkin.
I tried my best to get a picture of both boys, but one would look and then the other wouldn't. You know how it goes.

Owen playing chase with Brice

What is with my camera?!?! It is on auto yet here was a perfect picture with lots of blurriness. Boo!

Once again bad camera, but what a cute crawling spider.

Aiden Crawling on Me

Trunk or Treat Begins

Another Try at Brother Costume Picture :)

Scary Pumpkin and Power Ranger

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