Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Things He Says
Owen can say some super funny and super sweet stuff. These are some that I can remember from the past week:
1- "I am going to put you in the car and take you home, Daddy." We visited Omer at work for lunch because he wouldn't be home until way after the boys were asleep.
2- "You are my Mzee, Mommy." Reading Owen and Mzee before nap, a book about best friends.
3- "Are you my best friend little Aderee?"
4- "Just chill out Mom." I obviously say this too much but love hearing him tell me.
5- "What did you do at school today," I ask. "Probably nothing," responds Owen. I already have a teenager....however throughout the day he starts to tell me some stuff.
6- "I am the superhero and you are a princess, Mommy, because you are a girl."

Aiden Noises
Aiden makes lots of different noises and has started to make sounds that are very close to words. His sounds includes the M, H, B, A and D noises. He sounds like he says Dada and Hiya. But mostly he grunts a lot.

Little Aderee
Owen has given his little brother a nickname, Little Aderee. Not sure where this came from but I of course love it and think it is super sweet that Owen has nicknamed him. He calls him it all the time.

Finger Foods
Aiden shows a preference on feeding himself (fine by me, hate doing baby food). He is very skilled at getting it in his mouth and pretty good about chewing. So I have had to go back to my memory bank and remember what to feed baby's. His favorites include graham crackers, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, pears, bananas, mini toast, and bagel. I honestly need to be better about planning for the little one and prep some veggies and fruits for him to eat, so I still do the baby food for that....because, come on it's just easier.

Three, A Special Age
This is how I describe three year olds. For Owen, his two year stage was no biggie. He never really threw big fits, he paid attention and listened pretty well. His three year old self can be super sweet and funny and then super bratty. Wow! Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde!!! The good far aways the bad though. He is still a pretty darn good kid but really has figured out how to manipulate.

Aiden is very determined little boy. Even Owen has picked up on this and will say "Little Aderee is determined to get those leaves." He is in everything and does not stop. This has made it difficult to babyproof and I have to watch him all the time. Already found the toilet paper, oh the fun games.

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