Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treating

Owen was very excited this year about trick or treating. He would talk about walking in the dark and going to every house. Sadly it rained on us a little but the pumpkin did not seem to care, but it didn't last long. It was cute to watch him go up to the doors on his own and be so excited about decorations and stuff. He got a lot of loot and we are really trying to limit the amount of treats he gets each day. :) Of course Aiden had no opinion about the outing, he enjoyed the ride though.

Owen talking with other kids at the first door of the night

Trick or Treat

Halloween Boys
Walking to the Next House
Halloween Excitement
Walking in the Rain
Got Owen to wear his hood while it rained
Getting more treats!

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! Looks like Owen got a lot of use out of his costume this year.
