Sunday, November 29, 2009

Santa Visit

Today was really warm and gorgeous out so after nap we decided to head to RTC to look at all the Christmas lights, get cookies and see if Santa was doable. I was not interested in waiting in line so we did not tell Owen that was what we were doing. But in preparation I got the boys in their nice clothes. It was a success, no line and the Santa was amazing. Beautiful inside with a ton of trees to look at and then a wonderful set-up. It was cheaper than the mall Santa who shoes you away after one chance at a picture. The photographer took multiples and we got to choose and then Owen and Aiden had around 10 minutes to talk to Santa. Owen LOVED it, and was very into telling Santa all he wanted. Aiden was very interested in Santa, giving constant smiles, pulling up to see him and even laughing at him. He even told Santa that Aiden wants a baby bird. Huh?!? Not sure where they came from. But now I have a list in hand from Owen.

After Santa we enjoyed some cookies while watching the train and then had a ton of fun playing around the big Christmas tree. Both boys loved the lights and had fun all playing together. Poor Omer is never in the family outing pictures, he is always behind the camera. Next time!

Playtime at the Big Tree

Owen Admiring Lights

Christmas Tree Owen
Aiden Exploring Lights
Christmas Tree Aiden
Then we started to play a very fun game. The boys would start on opposite ends and then Owen would run towards us, and Aiden would fly to him, and then the tickling and laughing began.
Owen Tickling a Giggling Aiden
On Their Way
The Boys Playing at the Tree
Laughing Owen
Laughing Aiden
So Many Tickles
Aiden Anticipating the Tickle Monster Owen
Me and Aiden, Owen wouldn't come because he was too busy playing with an older boy.
Christmas Baby
On the way to the car we passed a "forest" of lighted trees. Owen and I had fun playing peek-a-boo behind the trees and then running through to the end. Can you find us?
Owen and Aiden with Santa

Cheesey Smile Owen
Smiley Aiden


  1. This looks great! The pictures with Santa are wonderful.

  2. Seeing these pictures really makes me want to have kids, haha :) Can I just have kids for xmas??
