Monday, December 7, 2009

Grocery Shopping

I tend to try to go grocery shopping on school mornings so I only have to take Aiden, but with the school days filled with other stuff I needed to go this morning. This really isn't a big deal, both boys are great at the store. The problem is when I go to Whole Foods, the carts only have room for one child and of course no car style cart (thank goodness, I hate driving those). Owen still really likes to ride in the cart but now he can't because Aiden needs that spot and Aiden is not that happy to be carried in the Ergo. So I figured I would try something new and Owen was estactic about this idea. Aiden rode in the cart and Owen brought along his shopping cart and pushed it through the store. He was so very cute, pushing it through telling me, "Mommy, I'll get the blueberries." He filled his cart so much we had to take some stuff out. We got lots of smiles through our grocery trip. And Owen did great all the way until the pastry section at the end where he knew the cookies were. He pushed his cart so quick over there and got his treat (he always does). So then his cart ended up in my cart because, "I need two hands to eat my cookie." Even with him walking through it, I was still able to get out of the store in 30 minutes. It was a very successful idea. Proud of my little shopper.

1 comment:

  1. At Harris Teeter they have the "shopper in training" carts for kids so you don't have to bring your own :)
