Saturday, May 15, 2010

National Zoo

This was our only free weekend before it gets super hot so off to the National Zoo we went. We had a wonderful time until Aiden just could not hold on any longer and really needed to leave to take a nap. Even getting there 10 minutes before it opened we had to park in the last lot, but it just so happened it worked out great. We have never made it over that way and got to start in the Amazon. We saw every animal that Owen loves, you know fish, lizards, frogs, more and more reptiles. Saw the great cats, monkeys and elephants but not many of the other jungle animals. It was a great family fun morning.

At the Amazon Watching Sting Rays
Aiden Climbed up to See More
Owen Finding Turtles
Big Fish Tank
More Fish
The Boys Love Watching Fish
Owen in the T-Rex
Exploring Bones
Aiden in the T-Rex
Daddy Lion Came out with a Roar
The King of the Zoo
Prowling Tiger
Taking a Rest
Owen Watching Sea Stars
Enter Owen's Heaven, The Reptile House
Owen and his fav the Bearded Dragon
Big Mouthed Crocodile
Owen and the Crocodile
Owen and Aiden Watching a Lizard
Baby Elephant
The Meerkats were so fun to watch, kept running all around.
Owen tried to make them follow his hand.
And Yes Owen Gave him a Kiss through the Glass

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