Thursday, May 27, 2010

Spring Musical

For Owen's last day of school they held a spring musical. I have to say it was comical and proved that Owen does not have the performer spirit. He would occasionally do the hand motions and sing, but lots of yawns and looking around. And during his classes song his bag broke because he was playing with it, so wait to see him clap with a bag hanging. Good stuff. Enjoy the video. HaHa

Spring Musical

Enjoy the Video, and sorry a little shaky but had to tend to Aiden while trying to record.

Then we went back to his class for them to receive their certificates. Aiden was quite antsy at this point and enjoyed running circles around the tables. Owen enjoyed chasing after them. They both had huge smiles and laughs. Then Owen's friend, Andrew, joined in and freaked Aiden out.

Aiden Ready for School

Mrs Carol handing Owen his certificate

Rainbow Bear Graduate

Tried to get a picture of him at the sign, but so sunny he didn't want to look up.

Addie and Owen, Rainbow Bears

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