Friday, January 13, 2012

Aiden's Play Date

Most often Aiden's play dates consist of tagging along on Owen's or ones with his brother and their younger siblings. Luckily a lot of Owen's close friends have siblings around Aiden's age and all the young one's have become friends. But it is rare that he has a friend over to the house when it is just them. I honestly think the last time was maybe a year ago with his buddy Spencer.
This morning while Owen was in school, Aiden's friend Sadie came over to play. They are so cute together and I had a lot of fun playing with the two little ones.
They Played Scooby Doo

They Played Dress Up

Then we played Santa, so they would sleep and then I (aka Santa) would deliver toys. Then the tables turned and they were Santa's and I got toys. It was so cute to see them work together.

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  1. Adorable! I love the dress-up! Grandma

  2. Very cute pictures of Aiden and his friend.
