Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mommy the Princess

To set the story up: Aiden fell asleep at 5:30, Omer and I planned on eating dinner later, so Owen was eating alone. I was sitting with him and he started to ask questions about all the grandparents on my side. I tried to explain it and then thought to show him the picture of the whole family at our wedding. Owen enjoyed seeing everyone dressed up and the whole family; mainly his cousins all young.
Then he started to ask about weddings and why he wasn't there. I told he wasn't created yet and even Chester wasn't there. Then he mentioned that Chloe was and wanted to see that picture. So I got that one from downstairs and the other wedding pictures I have in the house. He loved looking at them and told I looked like a princess.
He then asked if I still had it and I said of course but that mommy is bigger now and probably won't fit it. Owen wanted to see it; so I got it out of the closet and tried it on. To much my surprise it actually fit and I could close the back. Not going to lie, could not zip it all the way up but did get the top closer closed. I was proud and excited, of course. Been nine years and two kids later. Big smiles!
The best part was Owen was super excited and kept hugging me and telling me how beautiful a princess I made. Yes, Aiden was still asleep and Omer was about to arrive. Owen told me I had to hide and he would present me to Daddy as a surprise. It was wonderful to be a princess for one night.

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  1. Cool that it still fits....if you remember, it was a bit tight even on your wedding day! Mom

  2. You are such a pretty princess! How did Omer react?
