Thursday, May 7, 2009

Random Thoughts

At night while I am feeding I write so many posts in my head but never get around to actually writing them. You know I just don't have as much time anymore. But a lot of them I really want to remember or just get off my chest, so here is a slew of posts.

Monkey Say
It is funny when your kid starts really talking because you find out words that you say way too much. Owen really picks up everything I say and here are some that we find funny.
1- Actually: It is so cute to hear him say it. He uses it ALL the time. I use it often to actually (heehee) correct him or explain something.
2- Just: As in "Just three more minutes and THEN we will go nap."
3- OK: I knew this one would happen, bad habit of mine.
There are some cute phrases but that can be another day.

Moby: Mistake or Miracle
As I have mentioned Aiden is a little more difficult baby and not sure if it is him or just because I just don't have as much time to work on his needs. Since about three weeks old, Aiden only naps in the Moby Wrap. If I try somewhere else it never happens and if I take him out of the wrap once he's asleep he wakes within minutes, so I have given in and he naps in the wrap. Everyone swears that they did a lot of this with some of their kids and they ended up sleeping great in their crib, so here's hoping. But if you know me, I am just not that mom, but oh how you change when you need to. I won't lie though I am really worried that I am creating a bad habit. But I just keep telling myself I can't spoil him until 6 months and that he doesn't get as much attention so this is the time he gets to bond with me. Ahhh, are you convinced yet? I will say I love the Moby, it is very comfortable and Aiden seems to love it as well.

Owen's imagination as sprouted. He goes through these periods of really using his imagination, and recently it has really grown. It is so cute to hear the stories he comes up with. And very cute that he likes to include his friends in some of them. Omer and Owen play a game of creating stories together. So cute to hear some of the stuff they come up with. We love to play role play games and pretend.

Break Out in Song
Lots of times when Owen wakes happy in the morning or after nap, he will break into song. So adorable to listen to him. I have also noticed that he will do this when he is playing alone as well. His favorites are Old MacDonald, Itsy Bitsy, ABC, Wheels on the Bus, and Jingle Bells.

Baby Cuddles
Everyone knows I love kids but not really babies. Sorry, but it is true. I enjoy when they start talking and playing games. So much more fun. But I do have to say that I have been enjoying baby Aiden cuddles and snuggles and smiles more because I know this is my last time.

My Big Boy
Something happens when you have another baby, your first baby grows up a lot. Can't believe how grown up Owen seems to me now since Aiden's arrival. Makes me frown and smile at the same time. Owen also has had to become more independent because I am just not able to serve him hand and foot like before. :) A lot of this independence started earlier due from age but even more now. But he seems to be completely adapted to our new life very well and enjoys being a big boy. We of course still have out our moments, but I imagine that will last a lifetime. So happy that Owen is showing more independence again.

Gassy Baby
Aiden is very gassy and not sure what it could be. Sometimes it bothers him and sometimes not. But of course it is worse at night and makes him startle a lot, which of course wakes us. Most studies show no correlation to what mothers eat causing gas (minus some belief regarding dairy)so not sure I want to try an elimination diet. Aiden has been only pooping once a week and both our doctor and I think that that is the cause to his gas. But this week he has been pooping a little more, so hopefully his system will become more regular.

When Owen was younger he would answer a question with repeating what I said if the answer was yes. But many months ago he started to actually answer, and I love it. For some reason I think it is so cute or maybe it is just how he says it. But his responses are yes, cool, okay, alright and of course no.

I love that Owen includes Aiden in most of his conversations regarding family and he includes him. The other day we were leaving the big truck day and Owen looked at Aiden and said "You had fun Aiden." I think they are going to be great friends.....and of course enemies. :) I am realistic about siblings.

Mr. Friendly
Owen loves people, anyone really. He strikes up an immediate conversation with strangers that come to our house, ie pizza man, dog groomer. When we take walks he says and waves hi to pretty much everyone. The big one as he talks about his friends at least once a day. He just loves people.

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