Friday, July 10, 2009

First Dentist Visit

I took Owen to his first dentist appointment. The plan was for me to have my teeth cleaned while he watched and then he would take his turn. But as life does not go as planned sometimes, we only had time before I needed to get back to Aiden for one of us. So up went Owen in the chair. I was shocked how amazing he did. He sat there very well and let the dentist look at all his teeth, brush them and even floss. The horrible news is he has a cavity. OMG!!! I could not believe she said this. I do not allow him to have overly sweet items and not that much in one day. Is juice is very limited and we brush his teeth every day. So what happened? Where did I go wrong that my poor three year old has a cavity? Well the dentist said he has very deep grooved molars that are hereditary, and he is bound to have issues his whole life. [Owen, you can thank your Dad for that one. :)] So we have to go back and get it filled. She is hopeful that he did such an amazing job that they can do it there. So minus the cavity his teeth look great and she said his pacifier use has made his upper teeth come out a little but too horrible yet.

Owen in Dentist Chair

While we waited he had a blast pushing the button for the water cup.

First Teeth Cleaning

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