Sunday, December 18, 2011

Brother Sleepover

Last week Owen asked if he could have a sleepover with Aiden. I told him that would be lots of fun but he had to wait until school was out. So today Aiden took a nap and no school for two weeks so together to boys cuddled together. It was really sweet and both of them were so excited. We read books in Owen's bed and then I left and Owen read Aiden two books, they told stories, they looked out the window at the lights and stars, and then Aiden told Owen, "Be quiet, I need to sleep." Cracked us up!
So after about 45 minutes of them having fun together, I went and told them they needed to go to sleep now. Owen was out cold within minutes and Aiden was quiet but not sleeping. I went in and he told me he was scared. I was a little surprised as it was brighter in Owen's room because he had turned the Christmas tree on there so Aiden would not be scared. And of course his brother was there too. But he was tired and needed to go to sleep, so off he went to his room. They slept well and in the morning Owen woke first and realized Aiden was missing and before coming to my room he peeked in to make sure Aiden was in his bed.

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  1. Love that Aiden told Owen to be quiet so he could sleep :)

  2. Love it! Especially when Aiden told Owen to be quiet!
