Friday, December 30, 2011

Playground Playdate

Once again it is much warmer than it should be in late December. So I picked up Johnny and Owen Carson got dropped off and me and the four boys played at their school's playground. The boys had a blast. The three older boys played so many fun games together and Aiden just wanted to play in the sandbox with me. Along with some major chase games with me as the monster, the boys played ninja, made soup, crushed ice chunks, and much more. But wait to you see the video of them "break dancing".
Owen, Owen C and Johnny
There was a lot of stick play, but no one tried to hurt each other. Beautiful!
Owen looks so grown up here.
Stick Gathering
Ninja Play
It was funny to watch the fall to the ground and wait to be powered back up
Um, they are rubbing sticks on the wire fence trying to start fire.
Aiden playing trucks in the sand
He and I had a great time in the sand
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  1. All I have to say of their awesome performance is, "You got served!"

  2. The video cracks me up!
