Thursday, July 21, 2011

Growing Up

It seems in the past couple months the boys have really grown up a lot. I am excited that they are becoming more self sufficient and helpful and moving past some the "baby" things but then I realize that soon they will be driving cars, talking on cell phones, staying in their rooms, and not wanting me around. This of course makes me quite sad, but I will relish in every stage of their lives and that means right now appreciating how much they have matured.

Owen has become even more helpful around the house, just today he offered to help me clean and did a great job. He also has taken on the big brother role very seriously; he enjoys helping Aiden out and of course playing together. But mainly he has stopped using bumpers on his bed and started wearing undies at night. I never pushed either and figured he would let me know when he was ready, and he did. One night he just asked to wear undies and we haven't looked back. With that said it was a rough beginning with him waking very early, immediately wetting himself (just couldn't get out of bed quick enough) and then not getting back to sleep. But a week later, he has woken dry and made it through the night. He also likes to do a lot on his own now like even making PB crackers.

Aiden's language skills have really grown, amazed sometimes at his conversation level. He is very good about telling you what he needs, what bothers him, and so on. Aiden has always been very independent but even more now. We often hear," I do myself!" Now he sitting in a big boy chair, no more booster. And he is on day 4 of potty training. The first day he did great, with just one accident. The second day we were barely home and with no nap, we did not really do undies. Day 3, he did as expected, a couple accidents. Day 4, he was dry all morning, I even kept him in undies while we went to the library. He even told me and went poop on the potty. So hopefully he understands now and it will get easier. Excited to be done with diapers! Of course in Aiden style, he wants to potty when he wants to, not when I suggest he goes. How did he get so stubborn. :)

Boys growing up fast and I am enjoying every stage.

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