Saturday, July 16, 2011

Owen's Birthday Celebration

It was to no surprise that Owen announced he wanted a Bionicle themed party; it is by far is favorite toy. The only hard part is there is no pre-made Bionicle items for birthdays. So I embellished so decorations, had the cake decorated with Bionicle pictures, Bionicle figures for everyone, and created an obstacle course based around the elements, which is what powers Bionicles weaponry. We had a lava jump, use air to move a cloud (not so successful), tunneling over grass and use water to shoot a Bionicle down. The boys had a great time, and ran it several times, but the water gun part was by far the favorite. Owen told me he now had Bionicle powers after passing the challenge. (Side note: Owen talks about becoming a Bionicle.) After a pizza lunch and cake and lots more playing by party goers, the kids swung for candy. Pinata's are so fun and everyone got two times, before I touched it and it started to sag and Owen's third turn was up. The candy poured out right when I let go and he swung. Owen and a couple interested friends opened his gifts with lots of excitement. It was a Lego extravaganza; we will be building for days. He and Aiden really enjoyed playing Hungry Hippos and reading our new books. He wanted to do it all, but there was just not enough time, but the boys explored and opened so much; science experiments, robots, games, etc. Owen told me it was the best birthday ever. I am so pleased our not so little boy had a wonderful birthday celebration.

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