Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Day of Water

It's hot and our AC broke last night so no relief in the house. So it was a day of water play. Luckily the AC is supposedly fixed and slowly cooling back down. Once again, all pictures are taken on my phone so some are not that great. Must remember to bring camera. :)
We met a friend for ice cream and spray fountain fun.
Owen ran around and around the fountain, soaking wet
Aiden enjoyed running around and also getting the light spray of the water
Boys Fountain Fun
Spraying Water
Then after nap the boys played in the sprinkler.
They would wait for the water to reach them and then...
Then we headed to the pool where the boys have created a new game of Owen taking Aiden on a piggy back ride around the pool. They love it!
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  1. Grandma says: WOnderful use of water! NOthing else quite beats the heat. Hope your AC is fixed. Its supposed to be brutal the next couple days!

  2. Love the piggy back ride in the pool. Owen is such a good older brother!
