Sunday, July 24, 2011

Meet Callie

We adopted a very sweet, very excited dog named Callie today. She came from a rescue and today was our meet and greet and it went pretty well so she stayed. I was so excited when I got the call that we were selected, but I am trying not to get overly attached in case it doesn't work. The rescue have guessed she is about 2 years or so. They think she is a collie, sheltie mix, but i really think she might have some german shepherd in her. It is a little crazy but she looks like she would be the baby of Chester and Chloe; which I guess is kind of suiting for our next dog.

When Callie first arrived, I was a little disappointed because Chester was pretty hesitant and actually growled a little. But Callie was super sweet from the first pet. Once they got in the yard Chester was a little better and same in the house. He just had to make sure she knew that this was his house first, very common. We were very pleasantly surprised how amazing she was with the boys. She would go right up to them, sit and let them pet her all over. Very well behaved and truly great with the kids. Big perk!

So report of the rest of our day. I must include first that Aiden spiked a fever yesterday and felt pretty sick the rest of today. He was off and on, so made a little hard with a new dog and sick kid, but we all managed. Walk went well, meals went well, well mannered, very excited and on the go. Chester has shown some aggression but most of the time wagging his tail at the same time, and truly just showing dominance. There have been moments that they have run around together. And about 20 minutes they actually played. They were chasing and prowling and rolling around. It was nice to see and gave me hope. We are coining her Crazy Callie because she runs around the yard looking up at the sky and occasionally barking. It is very silly and weird. She did this several times and for a long time. Her foster mom said that she is not from this planet and looking for the mother ship. Ha! Another cute little moment was when she found the fish tank. She stared and followed those fish for almost 30 mins. I actually had to pull her away. She is very snugly and affectionate and loves a belly rub. So hopefully the next week Chester and Callie will bond more and build a loving relationship.
Callie Madison Aru
Panting Away
Puppies Playing (sorry all from my phone so blurry)
Playing Chase
Chester and Callie
Callie Running Around the Yard
Playing More Chase
Matching Colors
Callie Meet Fish
Very Intrigued
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  1. Can't wait to meet her!!!

  2. She looks adorable! Didn't know you were looking, but I can't wait to meet the newest member of our family.
