Friday, August 7, 2009

5 Year Old Girl

This is all I needed to get Owen to go in the big pool.

Owen likes the pool but has never once walked around in the big pool. The section for him to walk at our pool is pretty large, but I could never get him off the third step. Well this afternoon we met our friends Ali and Brice at the pool. We were all playing in the kiddie pool and then Owen decided he wanted to go to the big pool, of course Aiden was in the carrier taking a nap and I had my cover-up on, but I figured he would just hang on the steps and play as normal. Nope! He started out by walking along the third step from wall to wall and then saw the cute girl hanging on the side in the deeper area. Off he went! Owen stepped off the last step into the pool. He was very proud and of course so was I. He then proceeded to walk and then held on to the wall to get to the girl. I was so happy that the little girl was happy to play with him too. She taught him how to climb out of the pool from the side. They kicked, blew bubbles and climbed in and out of the pool. It was so cute to watch. Then Brice came back to the big pool and Owen was so excited to have his buddy in with him. They walked all around the pool. I am shocked how comfortable Owen was all of a sudden. I guess he just needed a real reason to make that step. I can't wait to head to the pool this weekend so we can enjoy some more pool fun. Thank you little 5 year old girl!!!

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