Friday, August 14, 2009

Playing Together

Since Aiden has been sitting, Owen has shown more interest in playing with him. With that said, since Aiden can army crawl and scoot to get stuff, Owen also has become more possessive on "his" toys. Aiden of course wants whatever Owen is playing with, much more fun looking that his stuffed elephant baby toy. :)
Yesterday Aiden was sitting and happily playing in his gym when Owen decided he wanted to play too. Owen started by laying down with him and then when he sat up he made the bars go down. They decided to play blocks together. As you can imagine Aiden LOVES that his brother his playing with or near him.

Owen felt it was necessary to show Aiden how the toy should work.
"Aiden, you put the star in the star hole."

Aiden asking for a block.

Owen gave him one, and of course Aiden started chewing it.

Bug-eyed Brothers (they really look alike here to me)

Open Mouthed Brothers

Owen really wanted to hold hands with Aiden.

Then today, Owen and I were playing jungle animals and Aiden rolling and scooting around with his toys. When Owen decided we were all going to play elephant family. I of course got the mama elephant and then Owen gave Aiden a baby elephant just like his. Aiden chewed on his while we played. Then Aiden felt he should have the big elephant. So he chewed on that one while Owen and I played parrot family in the jungle. I love that we are playing together sometimes, but does also make it hard to keep Aiden away from the unsafe toys. He is VERY grabby and wants everything we have.

Aiden with the Mama Elephant

Owen with parrot in the jungle

1 comment:

  1. This is great that they are playing together.
