Monday, August 31, 2009

Brains and Brawn

So I of course don't want to pigeonhole my children and this post is more done to note two amazing skills by my boys, but I do have to say that Owen has always been more intelligent and not quite as active. He waited until 10 months to crawl and just recently started to jump, but when he was 18 months old he could recite the whole alphabet and by 2 years old he could name all the common shapes and colors. Whereas Aiden (not much to judge on being he's only 6 months old) still has no interest in books and really does not stay and play with something, but he rolled at 7 weeks and army crawled at 5 months.

Well for the past couple weeks Owen has been doing math problems. For a very long time we have always played the game at dinner of "You have 6 strawberries, eat one and you have how many?" This was a way for us to get him to eat because he loves to count. He would always answer and keep going until none. Well we noticed that when he plays he adds items so Omer started to try simple (all under 5) math problems for him to complete. He taught him to count the problem on his fingers. He gets them right about 90% of the time and loves to do them. He can also subtract and likes to talk about how if that one item comes back he'll have the whole amount again.

Listening to the Math Problem

Full Attention

Counting the Problem on his Fingers

The Excited Answer

As for Aiden, he was playing with me in the bathroom while I cleaned out the cabinets and he was sitting next to the bath tub with some toys when I turn around and he was standing. What!!! I couldn't believe but he gladly did it again and was very proud of himself. He never seems to amaze us with his strength and determination. The little boy is very strong and I will not be shocked if he walks before he's one.

Aiden Sitting
Got to His Knees
Pulling Up

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