Friday, August 21, 2009


Owen has been rhyming a lot. We love the song "Down by the Bay" and he likes to figure out the funny phrase to sing at the end. His very first one was always "a train with no whoo-whoo". Not quite rhyming, I know. But over the past months he has actually rhymed it now. Throughout the day he will ask if two words match out of the blue, like "Do shell and bell match."

Butt Sleeping
Most of Aiden's naps are spent with him on his belly with his butt in the air. I think it is so adorable but not brave enough to take a picture. How can one sleep like that?

Aiden has started to army crawl and is very determined to get anything and everything that are not "baby toys". I must spend some time this weekend removing all the unsafe toys out of the play area. Going to figure out a place for Owen to have these toys where Aiden can't. Aiden has also gotten on all fours and rocked a little. Crawling is in our near future.

Little Fish
The past month has been great at the pool. Owen is excited to go and we have so much fun now. We all play around in the big pool which I love because then I get to swim around and cool off some. And when we are at the kiddie pool Owen walks around on his belly and kicks and blows bubbles, beginning to swimming. He also "dives" in, aka splashing down from standing to swimming. Aiden also enjoys the pool. While in the big pool he is happy to hang with us or splash around. But when he's in the kiddie pool I let him sit and he splashes all over and kicks his legs.

Girls, Girls, Girls
Mentioned before that Owen gravitates towards girls. He seeks them out to play. I think it is very sweet to watch him go up to them and ask "Hi I'm Owen, would you like to play?" The sad part is that girls can already be moody or particular and say no. It is very hard to see your son get turned down and his sad little face. But he does have some girl friends that are happy to play with him so we try to get together with them. And not to say all girls have turned him down, he has been lucky some times and found girls happy to play with him. He asked me the other day "Mom can you find me some girls to play with?"

Gender Differences
Owen has started to understand our societies general gender differences. While looking through a catalog with a page full of pink, he passes it by and says "Those are girls stuff." He also told Omer the other day that I could not fix something because I was a girl. Too funny!

Little Piggy
Aiden LOVES baby food. I am trying to be better and feed him twice a day because he likes it so much. He will down a whole jar easily. At dinner when I sit him in the bumbo to eat he cries until his mouth meets the spoon. He's also pretty good about getting his spoon in his own mouth. Can't wait for the self feeding, meal times can be difficult right now between the two.

I think Owen is looking forward to school. He asks occasionally when he gets to go back to his school. Then tells me how it is a new school with new friends. The other night he made me get a certain book to read and told me he wanted to read it because there is a teacher in it. He has also selected the books we bought through his old school to read and calls them his "school books". I hope this excitement continues and we have no tears when he actually goes.

Becoming Blonde
Sad to say but that gorgeous full head of black hair Aiden was born with has all gone. As most babies, he lost most his hair and it really looks like it is growing back a very dirty blonde. I'm sad because I loved all that black hair.

Snail to Slug
One of the things I love about this age is the things they say. Owen can come up with some amazing statements and also some very funny ones. I love listening to him and how much he is figuring out on his own or learning from us. The other day he told me "If you take the shell off a snail it will be a slug."

Big Smiles
Omer is welcomed home every day by an over excited Owen and a super smiley Aiden. What a welcome! He gets home around 6:00 and from 5:30 on, Owen asks every couple minutes if Daddy is home yet and then can't get his words out quick enough once he's home. Aiden is usually playing alone so I can make dinner and always hear Daddy comes in. He looks around searching for where Daddy is and then when he finds him gives the biggest smile.

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